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Python (Computer program language)

Programmed instruction. (1)


Beautiful Soup

Beautiful Soup is a Python library for getting data out of web pages. It was written to be able to reliably parse not just from well-structured sites with valid markup, but also from the nearly infinite variety of creatively-written HTML that can be found on the modern web. Beautiful Soup provides a set of simple Python idioms for navigating inside a page to find and extract the parts you're...

How does one learn how to code? It can be complicated, but Codeacademy lifts the veil on the mystery behind this important modern craft and skill. On the site, visitors can go ahead and get started by typing in their username. After this, visitors can click on the Learn area to find out more about programming for JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and jQuery. An area at the bottom of the main page links to...
CS For All: Introduction to Computer Science and Python Programming

What if you could take a completely free, fast-paced introduction to computer science and Python programming from the comfort of your own laptop? And what if the course was offered by one of America's great tech colleges? That's exactly what this 14-week MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) provides. Interested readers may enroll at any time. The course, taught by computer science professor Zachary...
Invent with Python

Have you ever wanted to learn how to make your own computer games? This is now a possibility, and all one needs to do is look over the excellent "Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python" site. The guide has been written to be understood by people as young as 10 and each chapter gives users the complete source guide, then teaches the programming concepts from the example. There are twenty...
Java Programming Tutorials

This site is much more than the name implies. In addition to an exhaustive reference on the Java programming language, other tutorials on C#, XML, Python, and JavaScript are available. The Java tutorials are divided into beginning, intermediate, and advanced sections, and sample programs and source code are provided for each topic. Users can test their knowledge of Java by completing a series of...

Petl is a Python library and companion command-line tool to support Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) workflows on tabular data. Petl can read and write several dozen formats including Excel, XML, JSON, Delimited text, HTML, and many others. Numerous transformations are supported, including transformations of individual values, splitting compound values from one cell into multiple cells, SQL-like...
Python Language Home Page

The Python Language Home Page is hosted by the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI), Reston, VA. Python is an "interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, extensible programming language." It is both clear and versatile, freely available, and it runs on Unix, PC, and many other systems. Python was developed in the early 1990s at CWI in Amsterdam (the Netherlands); it has seen...
Python Tutorials for Digital Humanities

While there are many online resources for learning Python, few are geared specifically towards digital humanities projects. That gap motivated medieval historian Dr. William Mattingly to create the free tutorials on the YouTube channel linked above. The series of 26 videos, ranging in length from about 6 to 26 minutes each, introduces key concepts, terminology, and basic functions to manage and...

Pytype is a static analysis tool for Python code that performs data type inference and type checking. It is used by "thousands of projects at Google," to weed out errors. It will identify and flag places in the code where there is an execution path that can perform an operation that will fail because the types of the operands are incompatible. It also flags common mistakes, such as misspelled...

Scikit is a platform for machine learning and scientific computing using Python. It combines the NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib libraries to provide "simple and efficient tools for predictive data analysis." The page linked above provides a number of example applications, including classification, regression analysis, clustering, dimensionality reduction on multivariate data, model selection, and...
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