Created by the World Rainforest Movement in 1995, FERN (Forests and the European Union Resource Network) "promotes the conservation and sustainable use of forests and respect for the rights of forest peoples in the policies and practices of the European Union." Presently, the principal FERN campaign areas include Forest Certification; Climate Change; WTO and Trade Agreements; and Aid and...
As part of the Forest Frontiers Initiative (described in the September 30, 1998 Scout Report for Science & Engineering), the World Resources Institute (WRI) has launched Global Forest Watch, an ambitious, international effort to assemble and provide "objective, quality data" on the state of the world's forests. The site's main function is to introduce viewers to the project, calling attention to...
Developed by the Education Division at the Missouri Botanical Garden, this self-guided online tour provides students with a good overview of tropical rain forests. The tour utilizes great illustrations and concise sections to discuss interesting topics such as plant adaptations, and animal and plant interactions. Other tutorial topics include rain forest layers, biological diversity, economic...
The Rainforest Alliance, a non-profit international conservation organization, is dedicated to protecting "ecosystems and the people and wildlife that live within them by implementing better business practices for biodiversity conservation and sustainability." This particular Web page from the Rainforest Alliance offers a number of activities and other learning materials for the classroom, or just...
Hosted by Raintree, the Tropical Plant Database is authored and maintained by Board Certified Naturopath, Ms. Leslie Taylor to provide accurate information about rainforest plants and to help promote rainforest conservation. Including over 300 pages of documentation on rainforest plants and very well-organized, the Tropical Plant Database lists plants by Common name, Botanical name, Ethnic uses,...