Released on March 28, 2001, this new World Bank report investigates the impact of development aid on economic policy in ten African countries. Among the findings is the discovery that in nations where political leaders are not committed to reform, aid can actually hinder development by insulating these countries from the need to adopt reforms. The report also concludes that using "conditionality"...
The Brettonwoods Project, founded in 1995, "works to monitor and reform the World Bank and IMF." This London-based organization is particularly interested in the environmental and social impact of these two organizations. Current issues include an update on Social Principles and the Comprehensive Development Framework. The Website also features a broad list of IMF and World Bank briefings, a...
This World Bank site considers a new framework for reducing poverty worldwide. The three steps of this outline are highlighted. "Understanding the nature and locus of poverty" considers the demographics of the world's poor. The second step, "Choosing public actions that have the highest poverty impact," examines the factors necessary for choosing public actions that will merit the highest impact...
A carefully weighted, well-conceived document, the World Bank’s World Development Report 2002 (last mentioned in the October 5, 2000 Scout Report) discusses the viable options available to developing nations attempting to open their markets to the world and thereby better the circumstances of their peoples. Honestly recognizing that free market economies are not one-size-fits-all, the report...