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Water quality management

Asia. (1)
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Environmental aspects. (1)
Government policy (5)
Great Lakes (13)
Information services. (3)
Montana. (1)
Research (2)
United States (19)


Potential Priority Watersheds for Protection of Water Quality from Contamination by Manure Nutrients

The US Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) gives this report from a paper given at the Animal Residuals Management Conference 2000. Percolation, runoff, soil erosion, and manure loadings were used to estimate watershed vulnerability to contamination from manure. The study concluded that the Cape Fear and Lower Arkansas River Basins were the most vulnerable....
The 3rd World Water Forum

Convened in March 2003 in Japan, the 3rd World Water Forum dealt with 38 interlocked themes concerning how to bring safe water and sanitation to the world. Considered the most important international water meeting to date, the forum hosted close to 24,000 persons from 182 countries. On this well-designed site, users can read various documents presented at the Forum, along with reading the daily...
The Color of Water

Provided by, the Why is Water Blue? (1) Web site starts off this Topic in Depth. Visitors will learn the factors that affect the colors we see, what color water actually is, and the basic physics and chemistry behind the phenomenon. This site is hard to beat for its clear explanations as well as its interesting photographs and illustrations. The second site, entitled the Common...
The National Stormwater Best Management Practices Database

From the Urban Water Resources Research Council of the American Society of Civil Engineers (under a cooperative agreement with the US Environmental Protection Agency) comes the National Stormwater Best Management Practices Database. Information provided comes from over 190 Best Management Practice (BMP) studies conducted over the past fifteen years and, once accessed, can be viewed, printed, or...
University of Wisconsin Center for Limnology

Limnology (the study of lakes) in North America was developed at the University of Wisconsin by E.A. Birge and Chancey Juday, so it is not surprising that the Center for Limnology Web site contains a wealth of information about their activities and research projects. The site includes a virtual tour of the Center's main research facility on Lake Mendota in Madison and their research center on...
US Water News

This is the home page of the monthly publication US Water News. Most online content is news coverage of water supply and quality, legislation, water rights, conservation, and the global waterfront. The collection of links is quite impressive, with state, federal, international, nonprofit, and many other resources listed. Assorted buyer's guides for a wide variety of water products are given with...