The Census Bureau has released the 1996 Annual Survey of Manufactures -- Value of Product Shipments which shows the "value of all products shipped by the nation's manufacturers.
The Census Bureau released a Census Brief titled "Manufactured Exports Approach $500 Billion a Year," which looks at the manufactured exports of United States.
The Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders (M3) survey provides broad-based, monthly statistical data on economic conditions in the domestic manufacturing sector. Graphical summaries of current data and historical time series from 1958 to present are also available on site (.xls format). The Preliminary Report for June 1998 includes a 0.1 percent increase of new orders for manufactured...
The US Census Bureau provides estimated statements of income and retained earnings, balance sheets, and related financial and operating ratios for all manufacturing corporations and large mining and trade corporations in the Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations (Series QFR). Statistical data for the Second Quarter of 1998 are classified by industry and asset...
This 191-page document from the Census Bureau includes the tables "Rates of Return, All Manufacturing Corporations," "Composition of the Sample, by Division and Asset Size," and "Profits per Dollar Sales, by Division and Major Group."