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Manufactures -- United States

Statistics (5)


Cut to Invest: Create a "Race to the Shop" Competition for Advanced Manufacturing

What's next for manufacturing in the United States? It's not an easy question, and fortunately the Brookings Institution has a number of highly qualified experts looking into this key area of the American economy. This recent 11-page paper from experts Bruce Katz and Peter Hamp suggest that a "race to the shop" competition for advanced manufacturing should be initiated in order "to expedite the...
Newark's Manufacturing Competitiveness: Findings and Strategies

Many older industrial cities in the American Northeast continue to ask the question: "What's next?" Will they reboot their local economies by creating arts and culture districts? Will they hope to become start-up hubs? Or perhaps they can attract new knowledge economy workers? This 60-page paper by the Brookings Institution's Nisha Mistry (supported by Jennifer S. Vey and Richard Shearer) looks at...