Eco, the online newsletter of the Climate Action Network, is a strong proponent of significant cutbacks in greenhouse gas emissions. The Eco site features reports from past climate change meetings as well as daily updates from the UN Conference on Climate Change in Kyoto in both html and .pdf formats. Recently, delegates from 160 countries commenced a ten day conference in Kyoto, Japan to agree on...
The Sixth session, Part two of the Conference of the Parties to the Climate Change Convention (COP 6.2) ended Friday in Bonn. Thirty-seven of the fifty-five countries needed to make the Kyoto Protocol binding have ratified the agreement. At COP 6, a number of decisions were made that "set out the rulebook by which governments will cooperate on making the Kyoto Protocol's institutions and...
The Third Assessment Report of Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released this summary for policymakers (approved in Shanghai in January 2001), describing the current state of scientific understanding of the climate system. The report, available in .pdf format, provides considerable scientific evidence that warming is occurring across the globe and that...