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Women's studies -- Computer network resources


National Women's History Project

Founded in 1980, the National Women's History Project (NWHP) was created by a group of women committed to recognizing women's historical achievements. The organization was responsible for lobbying Congress to designate March as National Women's History Month, and today, they provide information and training in multicultural women's history for educators, community organizers, and parents. On the...

The possibilities afforded scholars by online digital publishing are immense, and a number of persons in higher education have taken full advantage of such opportunities. One such project of note is the Thirdspace journal and its attendant online community, Chora. The role of both projects is “to raise the profile of feminist scholars and scholarship”. The journal is available here, and it...
Wisconsin Women's History

The University of Wisconsin has created a vast array of wonderful bibliographies related to women's studies, and this is one of the best. This particular bibliography is an expansion of one created in 1981 by Linda Parker, a women's studies librarian at the school. This iteration was updated and enhanced by Phyllis Holman Weisbard, and is divided into three sections: General Works, Works on...
Woman's Hour

As its website proclaims, the "Woman's Hour" on BBC Radio is designed for the purpose of "celebrating, informing and entertaining women." As part of a larger set of sites dedicated to like-minded resources for women from the BBC's Radio 4, this particular program tackles a number of germane subjects, including relationships, health, politics, and cooking. One of the definitive highlights is the...
WomenWatch: UN Information and Resources on Gender Equality and Empowerment

The WomenWatch website is dedicated to providing "information and resources on gender equality and empowerment of women." It is an initiative of the United Nations Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality (IANWGE) and the site is a veritable cornucopia of information on this vast and timely subject. In the Quick Links and Features, visitors can view the UN Gender Equality News Feed, which...