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Mir (Space station)


View Resource Mutant Fungus from Space

Space expert Yuri Karash of Russia says that he anticipates that the Mir Space Station could bring virulent new strains of fungus to earth when it splashes down later this month. Various types of fungus, whose smell is the first thing visitors to Mir notice, grow behind panels and in air-conditioning units on the spacecraft and have likely mutated. This article from the BBC News online covers the...
View Resource NASA Shuttle-Mir Web

The Shuttle/Mir site describes the cooperation, investigation, and operation components of the Shuttle/Mir project. Visitors can also find the latest space station news, information on the crew, videos, photos, and tracking information (through Hot Borsht). NASA related sites describe current happenings at NASA and also provide homepages of NASA missions including the Cassini space probe, the Mars...