The November End User's Corner, A Scout Report Signpost Look at One Aspect of Metadata - Resource Type, examines an aspect of data used to describe data, a topic relevant to the Scout Report Signpost's Library of Congress Classification of Scout Report annotations.
A number of online electronic archives have been developed in recent years to allow fellow scholars access to recent works by other colleagues in a wide variety of fields. Cogprints is one such archive, as it functions as a place where persons working in the areas of psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, computer science, philosophy, and biology may place their work. First-time visitors may want...
Designed and created by Linda Joseph, a library media specialist who works with the Columbus, Ohio public school district, CyberBee is a site dedicated to helping young people learn about using the web for research and assisting teachers with the process of using web-based materials in classroom instruction. One nice feature of the site is the Primary Source of the Month, where users can view a...
The UK's Arts and Humanities Data Service, a project of the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), has made available the first of a series of Guides to Good Practice. These Guides are intended to "provid[e] the humanities research and teaching communities with practical instruction in applying recognized standards and good practice to the creation and use of digital resources." The first...
The Journal of Digital Information is an online-only publication that focuses on "the management, presentation and uses of information in digital environments." Papers included in each issue and even entire issues within volumes are categorized into specialized themes, including digital libraries, hypermedia systems, digital information usability, and several others. The compilation of journal...
The European Union and the National Science Foundation have been collaborating on a joint international project to identify future research directions and funding priorities for digital libraries. Five working groups were established to explore specific research areas: Intellectual Property and Economics, Global Resource Discovery, Interoperability, Metadata, and Multilingual Information Access....