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Zoology -- Classification -- Databases


View Resource NCBI Taxonomy Browser

The NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) Taxonomy Browser, enables users to search for taxonomic information using the name of superspecific taxa (e.g., Porifera) or the name of a particular organism (e.g., Thalarctos maritimus or polar bear). Returns provide, in addition to taxonomic information, genetic information, nucleotide/protein sequence information, and references.
View Resource Orthoptera Species File Online

This is a new searchable database (registration required) of the Orthoptera of the world including all genera and species of Tettigonioidea, Grylloidea, Tridactyloidea, and Tetrigoidea. The two remaining major groups, Gryllacridoidea and Acridomorpha, will be available sometime in the early 1998. The database was compiled by Daniel Otte (Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia), and Piotr...