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An Introduction to Egyptian Mathematics

A former mathematics professor at the University of Surrey has created this webpage as an introduction to ancient Egyptian mathematics. Specifically, the site focuses on "how the Egyptians of 5000 years ago worked with fractions." While the methodology is somewhat peculiar, it is very clearly explained and anyone with an understanding of modern fractions should have no problem learning the...
Interactive Dig: Hierakonpolis

During the past few years, Archaeology Magazine has seen fit to document a number of very worthwhile archaeological digs from across the globe. In recent years, the magazine has been out looking for shipwrecks off the Crimea Peninsula and searching for evidence of George Washington’s career as a whiskey distiller at Mount Vernon. Its most recent online feature will take visitors to Hierakonpolis,...
The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology

The history of the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology at University College London involves several notable figures of 19th century Britain, and is worth recounting briefly. The Museum was created through the largesse of one Amelia Edwards, a nineteenth century Englishwoman who have developed a great respect and reverence for Egyptian antiquity, and who herself made several extended visits to...