When evaluating a website based on the information provided, it is important to assess the validity and reliability of the content. Teachers, educators, and administrators will find use in this Website Credibility Lesson Plan, curated by the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS) at Purdue University. Created as part of the center's K-12 Outreach program, this lesson plan for Grades 4-8 will help guide students to identify and classify resources for credibility, explain why websites should be evaluated for credibility, evaluate example websites, and share their findings with classmates. For educators, the lesson plan outlines the necessary materials (e.g., a Web Site Evaluation Rubric) and procedures to keep in mind, as well as supplemental resources and extension activities. The lesson plan matches Indiana Academic Standards categorized by grade level, but could be adapted to meet any national or local standards for science, language arts, or social studies.