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The microCOVID Project

The microCOVID Project aims to "quantitatively estimate the COVID risk to you of your ordinary daily activities," such as going to work or the grocery store, attending an indoor or outdoor gathering, eating in a restaurant, or riding a plane. For a given scenario, the calculator asks for information such as geographic location, distance between people, amount of talking, vaccination status, use and type of masks, and other variables. Users can choose which information to provide (nothing is required) and can specify their risk tolerance. Based on that information, the calculator will assess the risk of the scenario from "very low risk" to "dangerously high risk" and estimate its impact on the user's weekly risk budget (the amount of risk of getting COVID-19 that the user is willing to accept). While a little more complex to use than the calculator, the "Risk Tracker" in the menu at the top of the page lets users track their personal or household risk budget over time, as well as create risk models for interacting with specific people. For more information about the project's methodology, readers can check out the "White Paper" in the menu at the top of the page. The Q&A section of the white paper addresses common questions about risk budgets, how the tool works, and how to interpret the information. The microCOVID Project is a personal project run by a group of volunteers and is not affiliated with any institution or employer. Readers can find a list of the authors of the project in the Introduction of the white paper and information on the data used for the assessments in the Research Sources section.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
GEM Subject
Date of Scout Publication
August 20th, 2021
Date Of Record Creation
August 3rd, 2021 at 4:07pm
Date Of Record Release
August 4th, 2021 at 8:21am
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