This podcast for college and university educators explores how to facilitate learning more effectively, covering themes like instructional design, educational technology, open education, diversity and inclusion, and creativity in teaching. Most episodes are 30-45 minutes long and feature an interview with a guest who works in higher education. Some of the most popular past episodes highlight the cost of higher ed (Episode 258: "Paying the Price"), pedagogy (Episode 263: "Recipes for Effective Teaching"), and a highly relevant episode on using Zoom and Google Slides in virtual classrooms (Episode 324: "Teaching Effectively with Zoom"). The podcast is available on most listening platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Stitcher, but the website offers a few extra perks. On the homepage, listeners can browse episodes by category, such as Teaching Philosophy, Ethics in Teaching, or the host's personal favorite, Cultural Competence. Each episode page includes a transcript, links to resources mentioned in the episode, a guest bio, and further reading recommendations. Listeners can also find an archive of all resources, organized by theme, by clicking "Recommendations" in the menu bar on the page linked above. There is also a Blog about teaching and personal productivity. Teaching in Higher Ed airs weekly and is hosted by Bonni Stachowiak, Professor of Business & Management and Dean of Teaching and Learning at Vanguard University.