Filled with intriguing titles like Ibi Zoboi's My Life as an Ice Cream Sandwich the School Library Journal's (SLJ) "A Hip-Hop Booklist" offers an entertaining collection of reads that librarians gearing up for a new school year may find especially useful. Curated by Desiree Thomas, a teen librarian, the list highlights over a dozen titles celebrated for "delving into the genre's multilayered origins in rap, rhythm and soul, poetry and other influences." The list includes books spanning various genres, from young adult fiction novels addressing themes such as "consent, religion, and racism," to memoirs from popular artists such as Rick Ross and Gucci Mane. After browsing the list, readers have the option to add comments, including suggestions of additional applicable books. Readers who enjoy this list may also want to check out "Hip-Hop EDU," a similar resource from SLJ discussing "us[ing] music to spark students' creativity and learning." It is accessible by clicking the link in the yellow box at the top of the page. For over six decades, SLJ has featured information on "issues of interest to the school library and greater educator community."