Now on its seventh edition, the World Happiness Report offers "a landmark survey of the state of global happiness." The 2019 report, edited by John F. Helliwell (Vancouver School of Economics), Richard Layard (London School of Economics), and Jeffrey D. Sachs (Columbia University), centers on "how happiness has been changing over the past dozen years, and how information technology, governance, and social norms influence communities." The Report explores these themes through seven chapters, respectively titled: Happiness and Community: An Overview, Changing World Happiness, Happiness and Voting Behaviour, Happiness and Prosocial Behavior: An Evaluation of Evidence, The Sad State of US Happiness and the Role of Digital Media, Big Data and Well-Being, and Addiction and Unhappiness in America. Readers have the option of downloading the full 136-page report in PDF form or exploring individual chapters (by clicking "Explore the Report" and then navigating the chapter hyperlinks on the right-hand side of the webpage). Readers can also explore the previous six World Happiness Reports under Read the Reports. The FAQ page includes additional content about the report's creation, such as how the data was calculated and how benchmarks were set. Finally, the News page may be of interest to readers looking for the latest stories on global happiness. The World Happiness Report is a collaboration between the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network and the Ernesto Illy Foundation.