Librarians, teachers, caregivers, and parents may appreciate this extensive collection of storytime ideas from the Association of Children's Librarians (ACL) of Northern California, made available here in their online journal Bayviews. Visitors will find hundreds of ideas organized into broad categories with each category containing more specific themes such as penguins, movies, astronauts, and African-American music. The three most recently updated themes are featured on the main storytime page and the four latest additions to each category are shown on this page as well. Readers may also view each category's entire collection, where they will find dozens of storytime themes organized alphabetically with the dates of their additions visible for easy reference. Each storytime theme includes books to go along with that theme: authors, titles, and brief descriptions of several children's books are listed, along with a tag indicating the intended age range. Themes also occasionally include links to craft projects, songs, or other supplementary resources. The ideas in this collection were compiled by Penny Peck, a children's librarian with more than 30 years of experience and a lecturer in the School of Information at San Jose State University. Those interested can subscribe to the ACL's blog for email updates.