In the summer of 2015, the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) conducted the US Transgender Survey (USTS), "the largest survey ever devoted to the lives and experiences of transgender people, with 27,715 respondents across the United States." Here, interested readers will find the complete 302-page report and a 16-page executive summary of that survey, which are available in both English and Spanish. The USTS also produced a number of breakout reports on the experiences of transgender people of color, with separate reports for Black, Latino/a (also available in Spanish), American Indian and Alaskan Native, and Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander respondents. Additionally, readers may download brief individual reports specific to 43 US states, as well as a short report on survey respondents in the military and one on bisexual transgender people (created in partnership with the Movement Advancement Project). Those interested in the methodology and questionnaire used in the USTS will find these details in the complete report. The 2015 USTS was conducted under the direction of NCTE Research Director Sandy James and was co-authored by NCTE Policy Counsel Ma'ayan Anafi.