Launched in 2016, the Actuaries Climate Index (ACI) applies the analytical tools of risk professionals to the issue of climate change. This resource provides "an objective measure of changes in extreme weather and changes in sea level relative to the base period of 1961 through 1990" by using six representative long-range data components and examining how they are changing over time. The ACI is intended as "an educational tool designed to help inform actuaries, public policymakers, and the general public on changes in these measures over recent decades." Visitors may explore regional graphs and maps visualizing the ACI's data, which covers the United States and Canada. Those interested may also download the data by region and component and access a PDF of the ACI's Development and Design to read a detailed description of their methodology. Available in both English and French, the Actuaries Climate Index is produced as a collaborative research effort between the American Academy of Actuaries, the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, the Casualty Actuarial Society, and the Society of Actuaries.