The Recipes Project is an "international group of scholars interested in the history of recipes, ranging from magical charms to veterinary remedies." The group is dedicated to exploring the past through recipes, which are presented via blog posts and images. For example, a recent post discusses the use of eighteenth-century recipes while working with apprentices in Historic Foodways, an immersive program at Colonial Williamsburg. Apprentices learn about eighteenth-century ingredients and tools, but the most challenging part of the program is learning to read, understand, and execute eighteenth-century recipes, which are written in a wholly different style than their twenty-first-century counterparts. The blog can be a bit hard to navigate since categories are tagged with specific subjects, such as author names. One large and helpful category is transcription, which contains posts on transcribing old recipes and "Transcribathons" organized by the Early Modern Recipes Online Collective. There are a number of thematic groupings such as art technology, beauty recipes, Russian recipes, and Dutch medicines. Visitors can also browse blog archives by date.