For those interested in information on wildfires in the United States, Esri Story Maps offers an intuitive and user-friendly visualization. Here, readers will find an interactive map showing all the active wildfires in the US (including Alaska and Hawaii), with each fire represented by a glowing flame-like symbol sized in proportion to the amount of acreage affected. Users can click on each fire to learn its name, start date, magnitude, and containment status, and also to find links that will search Google News, Twitter, or Facebook for content mentioning that fire by name. Visitors can also see a list of all the fires visible on the map, with the option to choose between viewing them by age or by size, and a toggle box offers up to a 24-hour animated smoke forecast shown in 1-hour increments. It should be noted that while this map is relatively current, there may be a gap of a few days between fire updates. This map was created in 2018 by Esri staff John Nelson and Jinnan Zhang. The data for the fires comes from GeoMAC, a "multi-agency coordination" hosted by the US Geological Survey, while the smoke forecasts come from the National Weather Service.