Created in 2006 by Debbie Reese, American Indians in Children's Literature (AICL) "provides critical perspectives and analysis of indigenous peoples in children's and young adult books, the school curriculum, popular culture, and society." Reese is a scholar and former teacher who is tribally enrolled at Nambe Owingeh. She designed this site for parents, librarians, educators, and publishers. The AICL site provides a wealth of information and resources, including book recommendations, critical reviews of books and other forms of media that portray Native characters, information about Native communities and tribal governments, lists of Native authors, scholars, and activists to follow, and more. As of this write up, recent entries include reviews of several recently published books and a commemoration of Doris Seale, Abenaki librarian, poet, and activist who passed away in February 2017. Another recent entry is an open letter from Naomi Bishop, MLIS, of the Gila River Indian Community that encourages librarians and others who are thinking about hosting solar eclipse-related activities to learn about and be sensitive to Native beliefs about solar eclipses.