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The Art and Science of Healing

What role did the belief in religion and magic play in ancient medicine? How have medical instruments changed throughout time? What role did medicine play in Renaissance art? The Kelsey Museum of Archeology and the University of Michigan Library recently put together this website that traces the history of medicine in Europe and the Middle East, from Ancient Greece and Rome through the Renaissance. The exhibit is divided into five sections: Religion and Magic, Graeco-Roman Medicine, Islamic Medicine, Medieval Medicine, and Renaissance Medicine. In each of these five sections, visitors can browse multiple topics to view interesting artifacts and manuscripts related to these topics. For example, visitors can examine ancient Egyptian amulets; look at a fourteenth century "Arabic Treatise of Potable Medicaments" (and read the English translation); or view detailed sixteenth century medical illustrations by anatomist and surgeon Girolamo Fabrizio.
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Date of Scout Publication
April 28th, 2017
Date Of Record Creation
April 27th, 2017 at 11:16am
Date Of Record Release
April 27th, 2017 at 12:58pm
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