Hosted by the Institute for the Study of Muslim Societies & Civilizations at Boston University, Mizan is a "digital initiative encouraging informed public discourse and interdisciplinary scholarship on the culture and history of Muslim societies." On this website, visitors can explore three distinct aspects of the initiative. The Mizan Project features a number of detailed articles about new books, museum exhibits, and conferences that will be of interest to Muslim scholars and members of the general public alike. For example, one recent entry highlights an exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art dedicated to the Seljuqs, a Turkish dynasty that lived in the eastern Mediterranean from the eleventh through the fourteenth centuries. The Mizan journal of Islamic studies publishes peer reviewed scholarly articles that visitors can read in full on this website, while Mizan Pop features articles related to popular culture, including explorations of movies, comic books, and fashion. Visitors can explore all three aspects of this initiative from this website. The Mizan Project and Mizan Pop are both regularly updated; the journal is published biannually.