Founded in 2007, Operants is a publication dedicated to the still-influential radical behaviorism of psychologist B.F. Skinner. While the early quarterlies follow a newsletter format, the publication grew into a magazine in 2014, providing readers with more complexity and depth. For instance, the first issue of 2014, which celebrates the B.F. Skinner Foundation's 25th year, features an interesting article by Jacob Azerrad entitled, "A Plea for a Science of Human Behavior," which proposes a "well-funded Manhattan Project for the study of human behavior." Other articles use the lens of behaviorism to look into the Arts, theories of learning, and culture. Subscription is free and current issues are emailed out quarterly. Alternatively, back issues of the magazine are easily downloadable in PDF format on the site. For educators teaching psychology, or for anyone interested in the current incarnations of Skinner's influential ideas, Operants provides a helpful overview.