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MIT OpenCourseWare: Creating Video Games

It's no secret that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers hundreds of free courses online via its MIT OpenCourseWare program. While classes range from overviews of the Romantic poets to the intricacies of electrical engineering, few are as popular - and as much fun - as this class on how to create video games, which was taught and recorded in the fall of 2014. Here readers will find a clearly articulated Syllabus, including a link to the optional textbook, Challenges for Game Designers. From there, readers will want to proceed to Lecture Slides and Readings, where they will find freely downloadable PDFs of projects, activities, and other documents, as well as readings, available in the form of PDFs and web links. The highlights of the course, however, are the 27 recorded lectures. Typical topics include meaningful decisions in games, elevator pitches, focus testing results, usability, and many others.
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Required Software
Date of Scout Publication
February 12th, 2016
Date Of Record Creation
February 10th, 2016 at 12:59pm
Date Of Record Release
February 10th, 2016 at 2:22pm
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