A division of the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) described in the March 31, 1999 Scout Report for Science & Engineering
http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/scout/report/sci-engr/current/index.html#1), the Ocean Climate Laboratory performs scientific analyses of oceanographic data, develops ocean climatologies, investigates "interannual to decadal-scale ocean climate variability using historical ocean data," builds global ocean databases, and facilitates the international exchange of oceanographic data. The Homepage provides access to summarized data via the What's New section; recent releases include the CD-ROM World Ocean Database for 1998 (WOD98, described on site), and data files on "High resolution (1/4 degree) temperature and salinity analyses of the world's oceans" (.pts format) or "seasonal analyses of phosphate" (.pts format), among others. Additionally, users may browse the Products section for detailed descriptions of data quality control methods (including statistical analyses). An impressive list of publications provides an overview of the Lab's research activities in the Publications section, and researcher lists are provided in the People section.