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Ration Coupons on the Home Front, 1942-1945

During World War II, the United States government started the mandatory rationing of items, including gasoline, food, tires, cars, and footwear. Not surprisingly, this program created an extensive paper trail that included booklets, stamps, and various coupons. This recent digital collection from the Duke University Libraries brings together these materials as they were issued by the Office of Price Administration from 1942-1945. Visitors should start with a visit to the "History" sections, which provides a chronology of rationing during the war period, along with information on the "thermal zone" chart which was created to account for regional needs for heat, and therefore fuel, within the United States. It's fun to look around the site by subject heading, and they include "boats", "coffee", and "stoves". There's quite a trove of ephemera here, and it will delight any student of American history.
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