Among the multitude of research programs and centers at the Harvard School of Public Health, there is one that gerontologists and persons with an interest in aging issues will want to explore further. It is the Program on the Global Demography of Aging (PGDA), and it is primarily concerned with "themes related to global aging and health, with an emphasis on issues in the developing world." First-time visitors should look over the subject headings on the left-hand side of the page. Here they will find "People", "Seminars", "Pilot Projects", "Data", "Working Papers", and several other sections. The "Pilot Projects" section offers brief synopses of recently-approved faculty projects within the GPDA and the "Data" area contains some very helpful links to relevant data sites, including those maintained by the Center for Disease Control and the U.S. Department of Labor. The site is rounded out by the "Working Papers" section which features several dozen reports, including "The Role of Health in Economic Development".