Created in 1990, the Poverty & Race Research Action Council (PRRAC) was designed “to generate, gather and disseminate research on the relationship between race and poverty.” They have done so with great determination and vigor with significant financial support from a wide range of donors, including the Rockefeller Foundation and Fannie Mae. First-time visitors will get a good sense of their activities by looking over the homepage, which includes links to sections that deal with economic and community development, homelessness, and immigration. The homepage also contains links to recent research briefs and reports from the PRRAC, including the titles “Housing Rights in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina” and “Improving Education for Mobile Students”. One section that is a real treat is a special 40-year retrospective on the Chicago Freedom Movement, which was designed to offer a chronology of the events of that year, and also to discuss some of the social problems that were targeted by civil rights groups in the city at that time.