If you have been pining for a recording of Henri Lacroix singing "La parade des ouvriers", this website from the Library and Archives of Canada will be quite a delight. Created as a multimedia database, the site is devoted to the earliest days of recorded music in Canada, and it contains hundreds of digitized recordings that include both Canadian artists and material written by Canadians. Of course, the site isn't just about the music; it also contains brief biographies of these artists and composers, along with a glossary that explains terms such as "magnetic recording" and "phonautograph". The site also offers up an extended bibliography of general sources, including record catalogs, discographies, and music encyclopedias that pertain to the world of early Canadian recorded music. And in terms of recorded music, there really is something for everyone here, as the offerings range from lieder sung by Canadians of note to recordings by the Choir of the Abbey of Saint-Benoit-du-Lac.