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Was Alchemy Magic, Science, or Both?
May 1, 2024
JD Sword

For centuries, alchemy has been considered something of an intellectual embarrassment alongside witchcraft and superstition. Scientific juggernauts such as Robert Boyle and Sir Isaac Newton were intensely interested in the subject, devoting as much time to their alchemical pursuits as they did to...


The Best Time of Day to Exercise: Another Media Fail?
April 26, 2024
Nick Tiller

I was contacted in 2023 by a journalist writing for a major news outlet. In her email—which was written with the terseness that only journalists and famous people seem to get away with—she asked me to comment on a new study that had made a “major breakthrough” in the best time of day to...


The German Dilemma Continues: Skepticism in the Face of Ideological Conflict
April 25, 2024
Johannes C. Zeller

Amid escalating drama, German skeptics face a crucial decision at their general assembly on May 11. The vote is not just between the current chairman and his challenger, but also about whether it is the role of skeptic organizations to challenge the logical inconsistencies in critical studies and...


We are all skeptics

Skepticism is a part of everyday common sense we all use; it is also a key component of scientific thinking. It helps lead to fact-based judgments about what is real and what is not. It allows you to see for yourself which claims you’ve heard stand up to tests of evidence and which do not.

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