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Paris Review - The Art of Fiction No. 78, James Baldwin

Born in Harlem in 1924, James Baldwin moved to France in the late 1950s because he didn't want to be read as "merely a Negro; or, even, merely a Negro writer." He lived the rest of his life in Paris and the French Riviera, publishing fiction and essays that deeply influenced American literature from afar. This interview with Baldwin, published in the Paris Review a few years before the author's death, touches on such topics as his choice to permanently leave the United States for Europe, his writing process, and his thoughts on race and racial justice. It's a rare gift to find a freely available window into this revered writer's thoughts and feelings in his later years.
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Date Issued
Date of Scout Publication
November 7th, 2014
Date Of Record Creation
November 5th, 2014 at 3:49pm
Date Of Record Release
November 6th, 2014 at 10:25am
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