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The International Centre For The Study of Radicalisation And Political Violence

The online presence of ICSR, the multi-institutional and multi-national effort to combat radicalization and political violence highlights their pragmatic approach to this growing worldwide problem. The "About Us" section is written in English, Arabic, and Hebrew, and explains that the ICSR aims to achieve their goals through the use of research, "outcome driven dialogue", leadership opportunities, and non-partisanship, "by bringing together the world's most innovative thinkers from academia, politics, and business." The "Publications" tab offers "Papers" and "Reports", as well as the ability to sign up for the free bimonthly newsletter. Each paper, as well as the archived newsletters, is available as a PDF. A paragraph describing each paper is extremely helpful for those topics with which visitors might be unfamiliar. Under the "Projects" tab is a list of four projects which ICSR believes are the most effective for countering radicalization and political violence. Online radicalization and recruitment, radicalization and de-radicalization in prisons, opportunities for young leaders from Israel and the Arab world, and comparing radicalization pathways in North America and Europe.
Scout Publication
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Date of Scout Publication
May 15th, 2009
Date Of Record Creation
May 15th, 2009 at 10:09am
Date Of Record Release
May 15th, 2009 at 11:48am
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