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4-Am An-As At-Bi Bl-Ca Cc-Co Cp-Di Dn-Em En-Fe Fi-Ga Ge-Ha He-Ic Id-In Io-La Le-Ma Mc-Mo Mp-Ne Ng-Pa Pd-Po Pr-Ra Rc-Sa Sc-Sl Sm-St Su-To Tr-Un Up-We Wh-Zo

Headache (1)
Heads of state (5)
Health (107)
Health and race (7)
Health attitudes (2)
Health behavior in adolescence (3)
Health care reform (9)
Health education (25)
Health education of women. (3)
Health facilities (11)
Health in motion pictures (1)
Health information resources (14)
Health insurance (2)
Health literacy (3)
Health maintenance organizations (2)
Health occupations schools (2)
Health planning (2)
Health policy (12)
Health products (1)
Health promotion (17)
Health risk assessment (4)
Health services accessibility (3)
Health status indicators (10)
Health surveys (10)
Hearing (2)
Hearing impaired (2)
Heart (11)
Heart Mountain (Wyo.) (1)
Heart Transplantation (1)
Heart-Assist Devices (1)
Heat (2)
Heating and ventilation industry (1)
Heating. (1)
Heavy metal (Music) (1)
Hebrew language (1)
Hebrew literature (1)
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831 (2)
Heifers (1)
Heiskell, Andrew, 1915- (1)
Helguera, J. León (1)
Helioseismology (1)
Heliosphere (Astrophysics). (2)
Helminths (1)
Help-wanted advertising (1)
Hematology (3)
Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961 (5)
Hemoglobin (1)
Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village (1)
Henry, Diana Mara (1)
Hepatitis C (1)
Heracleion (Extinct city) (1)
Heraldry (1)
Herb gardening (4)
Herbals (2)
Herbaria (11)
Herbicides (3)
Herbs (10)
Heredity (2)
Heredity, Human (2)
Heritage Foundation (Washington, D.C.) (1)
Heritage tourism (2)
Herpetologists (5)
Herpetology (14)
Herrmann, Bernard, 1911-1975 (1)
Heterocyclic compounds (1)
Heyerdahl, Thor. (1)