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Education -- Research -- United States


Rand Corporation: Education and the Arts

One of the RAND Corporation's broad portfolio of research areas is education and the arts. Their research in this area includes work on assessment and accountability, choice-based and standards-based school reform, vocational training, and the value of arts education and policy. The archive accessible here includes over 1200 reports, research briefs, periodicals, and commentary pieces. First-time...
Research Universities and the Future of America: Ten Breakthrough Actions Vital to Our Nation's Prosperity and Security

What is the state of America's universities? That is a vast question, and it was posed to the National Academies by the U.S. Congress. Specifically, Congress asked the National Academies to assess the competitive position of America's research universities over the coming decades. The results of the Academies' findings are in this 227-page report issued in 2012. Visitors to the site can download...
Teachers College Record

The Teachers College at Columbia University hosts this website on education research. The Teachers College Record regularly publishes feature articles, book reviews, a community discussion board, and community announcements such as upcoming conferences. Past articles can be searched or browsed by topic. Topics include adult education, technology, curriculum, policy, diversity, and research...
The Wallace Foundation

Based in New York, the Wallace Foundation is a national philanthropy that seeks "to improve education and enrichment for disadvantaged children." Visitors to their website can learn more about their outreach and research programs through their Primary Topics area. Here, they can read about recent findings that deal with the importance of strong school leaderships, informal learning outside of the...
Thomas B. Fordham Foundation

The Thomas B. Fordham Foundation is dedicated to an agenda of education reform not unlike the President George W. Bush: testing and accountability, charter schools, school choice, and the like. Its Website provides a number of recently written reports and papers relating to these issues. Recent documents include a "Memo to the New President," offering advice on how to bridge the "partisan divide"...
Thomas B. Fordham Foundation (Last reviewed in the Scout Report on April 3, 2001)

The mission of the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation is to "advance educational excellence for every child through quality research, analysis, and commentary." They also provide on-the-ground action and advocacy in Ohio, and they have offices there and in Washington, D.C. On their homepage, visitors can read through their latest briefing book, sign up to receive their weekly "Education Gadfly"...
U.S. Department of Education: Doing What Works

Educators across the United States are always looking for compelling new resources to use in the classroom, and this fine website sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education delivers high-quality resources for just that purpose. The Doing What Works website contains content based on the Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences' "What Works" clearinghouse. First-time visitors can...
What Happens in Classrooms? Instructional Practices in Elementary and Secondary Schools, 1994-95

In 1999 the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) released this statistical analysis report. What Happens in Classrooms?, provides data on the pedagogical methodology of K-12 teachers in the US. The 220-page report focuses on four instructional practice areas: the role of the teacher in the classroom, the technologies and materials used for instruction, the learning tasks conducted by...
Wisconsin Center for Education Research

Established in 1964, the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER) at the University of Wisconsin, is one of the oldest and largest university-based education research and development centers. With annual funding exceeding $25 million from a variety of sources (such as the National Science Foundation), WCER employs close to 350 faculty, staff, and graduate students working at one of the many...
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