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United States -- History -- Study and teaching

Activity programs. (2)
Audio-visual aids (3)
Evaluation (1)


History Matters: The U.S. Survey Course on the Web

Since the History Matters website was first profiled in the Scout Report close to eight years ago, they have expanded their reach to include a host of lovely new features. All the while, still maintaining their key strengths in providing access to high-quality teaching resources for high school and college students and teachers of American history. Arriving on the site, visitors will find three...
Maritime Heritage Program

The National Park Service Maritime Heritage Program is dedicated to advancing awareness of the role of maritime affairs in the history of the United States. The Maritime Heritage Program Web site provides detailed information about their substantial preservation programs, including indices of historic ships (searchable by state), lighthouses, and life-saving stations within the United States and...
National Archives: Docs Teach

Historical documents live and breathe on this site, and just a bit of technology makes them truly shine. Created by the National Archives, this site brings together thousands of documents for use by educators and students. First-time visitors are encouraged to start with the Find Activities area. Here, they can look through different historical eras, such as Civil War and Reconstruction and The...
National Gallery of Art: Uncovering America

From the Lessons and Activities section of the US National Gallery of Art (NGA) website's Education Division (featured in the 11-19-1999 Scout Report), Uncovering America provides K-12 teachers with a set of thematic modules featuring NGA works of art that focus on "the intersection of art and American identity and history," and can be used to teach topics such as Activism and Protest, Manifest...
National Humanities Center: Online Professional Development Seminar Toolboxes

While there are many online pedagogical tools for high school teachers to use in the classroom, there are relatively few that allow these educators the ability to create cost-effective professional development seminars for themselves and their colleagues. The National Humanities Center has developed these helpful toolboxes, which can effectively "fit into tight school calendars and equally tight...
NOVA: Pocahontas Revealed

Who was Pocahontas? It's a question that has puzzled historians and archaeologists for centuries, and this recent documentary from NOVA takes a nuanced and in-depth look into both the reality and the myth surrounding her. The program draws on a wide variety of perspectives, and this complementary website could be used as an educational tool in the classroom or just as a means for personal...
Smithsonian's History Explorer

The Smithsonian's National Museum of American History, along with the Verizon Foundation, has developed a website that offers standards-based online resources for teaching and learning American history. This lively looking red, white and blue-themed website has an eye-catching feature on the homepage which highlights an item from the Museum's Artifacts. Visitors should click on the "Learn More"...
Statistics in Schools: History Activities

STEM principles are not limited to science classrooms, as exemplified by this curriculum featured in the 09-20-2019 Scout Report that combines statistics, data analysis, and history lessons. The U.S. Census Bureau's Statistics in Schools (SIS) program "brings school subjects to life using real-world Census Bureau statistics." This collection of classroom history and social studies activities...
TeacherServe From the National Humanities Center

TeacherServe is a new "interactive curriculum enrichment service" for high school English and History teachers provided by the National Humanities Center. The purpose of the site is to allow teachers to deepen their course content by providing scholarship online that has been specifically tailored to classroom use. TeacherServe will consist of a series of "instructional guides on important topics...
Teaching the JAH

This site from the Journal of American History will feature digital resources that help "bridge the gap between the latest scholarly research in U.S. history and the practice of classroom teaching." The authors of the featured articles will provide tips, documents, and other materials to demonstrate how their work might be taught in an undergraduate US history survey. The first article is...
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