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The New Wealth Package: Generating Value in Distressed Urban Communities

From the Community Development Research Center within the New School University, this new working paper is authored by Edward Blakely, one of the foremost urban policy academics and practitioners in the United States. In the 35-page paper, Professor Blakely examines the use of arbitrage theory as "a means of valuing community assets in urban low-income communities." As Professor Blakely points out...
The Polis Center

Located at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), the Polis Center is an academic research center that focuses on urban and urban-related issues. Their goal is to "to develop knowledge that will serve the common good and invigorate the sense of community in this city and beyond." To this end, they have placed on the site a great deal of material about their numerous research...
U.S. Census Bureau: American Community Survey

Designed in 1996 to provide more timely demographic information to policymakers, businesses, and the general public, the American Community Service is a program initiated by the U.S. Census Bureau. The Survey was designed to complement the national census taken every ten years, as mandated by federal law. The site is very helpful as users are given access to date profiles on over 800 geographical...
University of Nevada Cooperative Extension

The University of Nevada Cooperative Extension was formally started in 1914, and back in those days, they were involved with the effort to build good roads around the state. In the past century, their mission has expanded exponentially, and this site contains items about their work in the Silver State as well as a number that are of general interest. The materials on the site are divided into six...
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