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Forests and forestry

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United States (4)


State of the World's Forests 1999

The latest edition of this biannual publication from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (last reviewed in the May 9, 1997 Scout Report offers one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date reviews of new developments in forestry and the condition of forests worldwide. SOFO 1999 reports on a number of significant events and developments of 1997-98, including "the latest...
State of the World's Forests 2003

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations presents this biannual report on the status of the world's forests. Available as a series of downloadable documents, this comprehensive report addresses recent developments in the forest sector such as agricultural expansion and mangrove conversion, conservation and sustainable development, forestry education and other institutional...
The Alwyn H. Gentry Forest Transect Data Set

The Missouri Botanic Garden has recently made available forest transect data collected from sites around the world by the late Alwyn H. Gentry. As part of a project developed to "ensure that Gentry's ecological data receive maximum use and are readily available to the biological research community," an electronic version of the entire data set (226 transects total) is accessible through this Web...
USDA Forest Service-St. Paul Field Office: Urban Forestry Laboratory Exercises

The creation and care of urban forests are receiving greater attention as city populations grow larger. Recognizing this important trend, the U.S. Forest Service and the Morton Arboretum supported the development of these educational exercises designed to connect urban students with urban trees and forests. This Urban Forestry Unit was developed as a supplemental activity guide for elementary,...
USDA: Natural Inquirer

The Natural Inquirer offers a fun way to learn about the research conducted by scientists with the USDA Forest Service. Online since 1998, The Natural Inquirer is written with middle school students in mind. Each issue may be downloaded or ordered free of charge and includes discussion questions and learning activities that help students and teachers make the most of the articles. The Web site...
Woodland Trust: Nature Detectives

From the United Kingdom-based Woodland Trust, this Nature Detectives website contains information and activities for budding young naturalists. For elementary-aged children, the site contains an assortment of downloadable games, activity materials, and examples of nature art sure to guide and inspire students in their own artistic endeavors. The site also hosts a News section which currently links...
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