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Social studies -- Technology and civilization


Authors’ group files lawsuit against Google

Authors Guild Sues Google, Citing “Massive Copyright Infringement” Google Blog: Google Print and the Authors Guild Google sticks its finger in the Wi-Fi Pie,39024665,39152509,00.htm The Google Print Library Project: A...
BBC: Birth of the Internet

In this article from the BBC Click Online, Robert Kahn, the Internet's co-inventor, "tells how it all began, when, as an assistant professor of electrical engineering at MIT, he took a leave of absence to brush up on his networking theory." The article gives a sense for the innovative work that went into creating the Internet and also discusses the lack of attention given to security issues early...
BBC: Gadget market 'to grow in 2005'

This article from the BBC website provides some predictions for growth areas in technology for 2005. The author reports on the January 2005 Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which took place in Las Vegas and "featured the pick of 2005's products." The article highlights hybrid devices such as this camera with wi-fi, and other digital devices. Industry leaders report on trends in consumer desires...
Berkeley Center for Law & Technology

Established at Berkeley's Boalt Hall in 1995, the mission of the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology is "to foster beneficial and ethical advancement of technology by promoting the understanding and guiding the development of intellectual property and related fields of law and policy as they intersect with business, science and technology." First-time visitors to their homepage can make their way...

As global dependence on fossil fuels is increasingly called into question, many nations, organizations, and individuals are exploring the use of biodiesel, a renewable fuel derived from vegetable oils (or animal fat), as an alternative power source. The first website presents (1) Biodiesel America, "a campaign whose mission is to change 100,000 diesel school busses to biodiesel by 2010." Biodiesel...
Boosting Productivity, Innovation, and Growth through a National Innovation Foundation

How might the United States boost productivity, innovation, and growth? It's a good question, and scholars and researchers at The Brookings Institution have come up with a compelling idea that's worth a look in this 75-page report. Released in April 2008, the report, authored by Robert Atkinson and Howard Wial, suggests that the federal government should establish a National Innovation Foundation...
Bureau of Reclamation Historic Dams and Water Projects: Managing Water in the West

Those who have traveled through the western United States can attest to the scale of the massive earth-moving projects that dominate aspects of the landscape. Massive dams and expansive irrigation systems are part of the work of the Bureau of Reclamation, the nation's largest supplier of water and second largest producer of hydroelectric power. This remarkable tour of some of these sites is part...
Center for Democracy & Technology

Since its creation in 1995, the Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT) has worked "to promote democratic values and constitutional liberties in the digital age." The homepage contains thematic headings that will guide visitors to much of the important material here, and includes such areas as the CDT's Legislative Center, its Resource Library, and several of its most recent policy briefs. Perhaps...
Center for Digital Democracy

How is the Internet organized? Is it a democracy? Or is it increasingly controlled by large media corporations bent on limiting what people can do or see on various websites? These are valid questions, and the Center for Digital Democracy (CDD) is intimately involved with such matters. Founded in 2001, the CDD has worked on developing the campaign for an open broadband Internet, along with leading...
Center for Digital Storytelling

There are many ways to tell stories about communities and individuals, and new developments in multimedia offer some rather compelling ways to do just that. One such organization interested in these types of projects is The Center for Digital Storytelling. In their work they offer workshops for organizations and individuals, along with providing a clearinghouse of information about resources on...
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