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ANITA: Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna

Directed by a collaboration of seven United States universities and NASA, the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) is a "long duration balloon mission to constrain the origin of the highest energy particles in the universe." At this University of Hawaii at Manoa web site, users can download an informational proposal discussing the expected goals, scientific implementation, schedule, cost,...
ANSTO: Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) "is responsible for delivering specialised advice, scientific services and products to government, industry, academia and other research organizations." Researchers can learn about the Organization's ion beam analysis, accelerators, environmental systems, and additional facilities, capabilities, and services. The website offers pdf...
As part of NASA's 50th anniversary, Stephen Hawking offers his latest thoughts on the universe

Hawking: Unintelligent life is likely on other planets Stephen Hawking Today/Interview with Stephen Hawking [Real Player] NASA 50th Anniversary Website [Macromedia Flash...

Every day, Astrobites posts a plain-language summary of a recent paper from a different subfield of astronomy, meant to be read in five minutes or less. A rotating team of graduate students from around the world writes the daily digest with the goal of making technical papers accessible to undergraduate students in the physical sciences. While spotlighting a piece of current research and...
Astronomy 162: Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology

Young students can find the world of college physics difficult at times, and it's always good to have a wide range of instructional materials on hand in case they need them. The University of Tennessee's Physics Department has placed a number of these materials online, and this particular resource deals with the course Astronomy 162, which covers stars, galaxies, and cosmology. On the site,...
Atomic Energy & Nuclear History Learning Curriculum

How did the atomic age start? It's a very good question and this digital exhibit from the Oregon State Universities Libraries Special Collection offers some wonderful archival material that tells part of this story. The materials here are divided into 17 different sections, including The Manhattan Project, Civil Defense, and Nuclear Engineering. Each of these sections includes various ephemera...
Atomic Orbitals

The Atomic Orbitals Web site "was established as part of an (ongoing) project at Purdue University to develop 'visualization modules' for general chemistry students." Using the Chime plug-in, which allows unique and stunning visualizations, visitors can learn what an atomic orbital is; what the 1s, 2s, 3s, 2p, 3p, and 3d orbitals are; what hybrid orbitals are; and more. The combination of...
Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table

Any online chemistry textbook that contains a photograph of Max Planck and Albert Einstein on its first page definitely sets the right tone, and Stephen Lower's textbook certainly falls into that category. Over the past several years Lower has been working on this textbook, and for students looking for a bit of refresher on the world of the structure of atoms and the periodic table, this is the...
Beautiful Science: Ideas That Changed The World

Ideas that change the world can be few and far between, so it's nice to learn about this fine digital collection from The Huntington Library. Designed to complement the renovated Dibner Hall of the History of Science at the Library, this site peers into the world of astronomy, natural history, medicine, and light. After reading a brief overview about the exhibit, visitors should click on over to...
Bentham Open Access

Are you fascinated by fascia? Might you find silica scintillating? Look no further gentle reader as Bentham Open Access can provide information about these topics. Bentham Publishers recently launched over 200 peer-reviewed open access journals, and visitors should feel free to browse around at their leisure. Visitors can browse titles by discipline, and everything from agriculture to virology...
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