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The Alaska Climate Research Center

The University of Fairbanks's Alaska Climate Research Center offers a host of materials about its climate research and about Alaska's climate in general. The website supplies abstracts of the Center's research projects such as _The Urban Heat Island Effect at Fairbanks, Alaska_ and _Radiation Climatology of Alaska_. Researchers can find data and statistics on Alaska's temperature, humidity,...
The Younger Dryas Event

This topic in depth deals with the Younger Dryas event, a short period of extremely cold temperatures interrupting the current interglacial period. It is currently debated whether the Younger Dryas event occurred solely in parts of the North hemisphere or throughout the world. The first website, (1), created by World History, provides a short, concise summary of the Younger Dryas period. Users...
University of Wisconsin - Madison: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

The Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Wisconsin - Madison created this website to present its research in climate systems, satellite and remote sensing, and weather systems using a combination of theory, modeling, and diagnostic assessments. Users can learn how the department is utilizing and creating radiation and remote sensing technology to improve radiative...
World Bank Group: Climate Change

Located within the World Bank's Environment Department, the Climate Change team "provides resources and expertise for the World Bank's participation in international climate change negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and provides technical advice to the World Bank's Global Environment Facility Program." Understandably, the site contains a brief explication...
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