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Science -- Study and teaching -- Audio-visual aids

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Questacon, the National Science and Technology Centre in Canberra, Australia, promotes a "greater understanding and awareness of science and technology within the community" by creating a fun, educational, and interactive atmosphere. After taking the virtual tour, students and educators can learn about the center's science shows, the Questacon balloon, the traveling Shell Questacon Science Show,...
Science at Burning Man

Recently, the Exploratorium Museum in San Francisco sent a dedicated crew to check out the activities at the Burning Man festival in Nevada. The results of their journey and explorations can be seen here, and interested parties can learn about pyrotechnics, flight, dust devils, and rainbows. The site contains several dozen short films that feature Exploratorium scientists like Paul Doherty...
Science Center of Iowa

The Science Center of Iowa, located in Des Moines, is comprised of many educational science exhibits and programs for visitors of all ages. Parents and educators can learn about the Science Center's summer camps, classes, and overnight stays where children will have fun with explorations and hands-on activities. Users can find descriptions of many of the center's exhibits such as Adventures in 3D,...
Science in Focus

Sumanas Inc.'s website offers a wide range of material, such as animations of scientific processes, for a range of scientific disciplines, but here visitors will find their "Science in Focus" section of the website. Some of the topics that are brought to life with animating technology are antibiotic resistance, stem cell research, malaria, anthrax, gene therapy, and peptic ulcers. Click on "Go to...
Science Toys

This individually-hosted Web site invites users to "make toys at home with common household materials, often in only a few minutes, that demonstrate fascinating scientific principles." Instructions for dozens of toys are available, and what's more, these instructions are accompanied by clear and accessible explanations of the scientific concepts associated with each project. The Web site is...
The Guardian's Science Weekly Podcast

Would you like to go around the world on a hunt for a lost rubber duck? How does learning about language sound? These are but a few of the topics covered in the Guardian's Science weekly podcast. Visitors will be delighted to learn that they can explore this vast buffet of science topics at their leisure. New visitors to the site can look through the Recent Shows area or move on down to the...
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