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Digital libraries -- Planning

Congresses. (1)


LC21: A Digital Strategy For the Library of Congress

This report, commissioned by the National Research Council and made available by the National Academy Press (last mentioned in the February 6, 1999 Scout Report) takes a hard look at the impact of digital information on the Library of Congress's traditional mission (and by implication, the mission of all US libraries) to collect, preserve, and make accessible the intellectual work of the American...
Looking back into one magazine's online presence raises questions about the problems involved with creating web archives

Survey Finds That Libraries Are Interested in Collaborating on Online Projects, but Don't Do It Yet Neatline helps Map New World of Digital Humanities...
Moving Theory into Practice: Digital Imaging Tutorial

The World Wide Web gives us an unprecedented opportunity to provide people around the globe with access to significant historical and cultural works. However, the Web, by its very nature, requires those works to be in some electronically transmittable form before they can be made available, and most historical documents, by their very nature, are in a form well-removed from the computerized world...
New-Model Scholarship: How Will it Survive?

This important 55-page report originated out of meeting held in 2002 by the Council on Library and Information Resources that brought together scholars, librarians, archivists, publishers, and other concerned parties to discuss the preservation of digital scholarly resources. Authored by Abby Smith (March 2003), this timely work is informed by these discussions, and offers some initial appraisals...
Usage and Usability Assessment: Library Practices and Concerns

The most recent offering from the Digital Library Federation (DLF), this report (99 pages) covers the best management and design strategies for digital library services. Authored by Denise Troll Covey, Associate Librarian, Carnegie Mellon University, the report "offers a survey of the methods that are being deployed at leading digital libraries to assess the use and usability of their online...
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