The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Water has released a publication concerning the quality of drinking water in America that supplements the recent 1997 National Public Water System Annual Compliance Report (discussed in the April 28, 1999 Scout Report for Science & Engineering). The National Recommended Water Quality Criteria is a compilation of the new recommended criteria for...
From the Natural Resources Defense Council, this website has the latest news from the Hill, plus information everyone needs on the state of our air, water, land and health. Initial contents include "State of Nature," a regular bulletin on environmental legislation; action guidelines; and findings on subjects ranging from children and environmental carcinogens to the pollution of U.S. coastal...
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) offers The Bush Record -- "the real story on this administration's dealing on environmental issues, from NRDC's scientists, lawyers, and policy experts." The main Web page highlights the administration's most recent actions. Readers may also access related reports, search The Bush Record by date, and find out how to get involved with the NRDC's efforts...
The National Academic Press "publishes over 200 books a year on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and health, capturing the most authoritative views on important issues in science and health policy." These books are made available to read online for free. One of the latest offerings is entitled Riparian Areas: Functions and Strategies for Management, written by the Committee on...
The Environmental Protection Agency has released the 1999 report on national methane emissions, entitled "US Methane Emissions 1990-2020: Inventories, Projections, and Opportunities for Reductions." The report (EPA 430-R-99-013) may be downloaded in .pdf format either as a complete document or in separate sections: Cover, Executive Summary, and Introduction, 361K; Landfills and Appendix II, 130K;...
Western Fuels, "an especially aggressive industry player," offers alternative interpretations of the threat of global warming and warn against unnecessary regulations on US industry. Recently, delegates from 160 countries commenced a ten day conference in Kyoto, Japan to agree on a strategy to cut the world's emissions of greenhouse gases, which are thought to cause global warming. Any agreement,...