Created and maintained by Chris Whitten, this site is devoted to telling the story of the United States during its first few decades of existence, with a special emphasis on the lives of the American Presidents during this period. Different sections of the site contain photo galleries (primarily consisting of portraits), a history of the American flag, quotations from the founding fathers, and a...
The Free Speech Movement that began on the Berkeley campus of the University of California in 1964 began a groundswell of student protests and campus-based social activism that would later spread across the United States for the remainder of the decade. With a substantial gift from Stephen M. Silberstein in the late 1990s, the University of California Berkeley Library began an ambitious program to...
For educators, students, and persons looking for information about any period in American history will find the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History Web site an excellent resource containing thousands of helpful materials ranging from the colonial period to the present day. The site is divided into three main sections: Resources by Period, Resources by Topic, and the Reference Room. Users...
The New York Public Library has three major digital exhibitions currently running to complement their in-house exhibits. Together, these exhibits constitute a marvelous introduction to Western history via primary documents and images from the era. Heading West examines the exploration and development of the West using maps from the library's collections. The accompanying text is well written and...
Since the History Matters website was first profiled in the Scout Report close to eight years ago, they have expanded their reach to include a host of lovely new features. All the while, still maintaining their key strengths in providing access to high-quality teaching resources for high school and college students and teachers of American history. Arriving on the site, visitors will find three...
This new site from the National Museum of American History (NMAH) showcases hundreds of items from the museum's collection, many currently not on display. What makes this site particularly notable is its organization, which eschews the standard division into categories and subcategories (where users "drill down" to reach items) for a front page from which all items are accessible with a click. The...
Created with grant support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services National Leadership Grant Program, this online database highlights the photographic and visual record of current and former Indian groups from the Northern Great Plains. Housed at Montana State University, this particular online collection was designed to provide students, researchers, and the general public with direct...
Born in Stonewall, Texas in 1908, Lyndon Baines Johnson would later become president of the United States after the assassination of John F. Kennedy and oversee one of the most turbulent periods in recent American history. Located on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin, the Johnson Library and Museum was dedicated in 1971 and is part of the system of presidential libraries administered...
The Making of America Project (last reviewed in the November 18, 1997 Scout Report for Social Sciences) now holds more than 10,900 volumes totalling approximately 3.1 million pages of text. this site is notable not only for its sheer size and utility, but also for its use of Optical Character Recognition technology, which presents users with a searchable scanned image of the actual pages of the...
Located at the University of South Carolina and funded in part by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, MEP's mission is to "explore ways of creating [electronic] editions of historical documents which meet the standards scholars traditionally use in preparing printed editions" and to make these electronic editions available online. The site currently hosts seven...