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Mars probes.


Arizona State University: Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer

The thermal emission spectrometer (TES) is a scientific instrument created at Arizona State University to provide detailed looks at the composition of Mars. The website features ASU's spectral library of Earth's minerals and rocks which can be used for comparison with those obtained from Mars and for interpretation of remote sensing data of Earth. Researchers can learn about the many projects...
European Space Agency: Mars Express

Europe reclaims a stake in Mars exploration! The European Space Agency has launched this informative site in conjunction with the Mars Express mission which lifted off on June 3, 2003. Before the live Webcast of the craft arrival in December, 2003, visitors to this well organized site can track the progress of the spacecraft. You can also learn a lot about early attempts to explore mars and...
Exploring Mars

NASA has blasted into the new year by not only landing a robotic vehicle (the Rover Spirit) on the surface of Mars, but also by transmitting the best photographs ever captured of the red planet. With that, Spirit is now preparing to meander about the surface of Mars and collect specimens of rock and soil -- the return of which is anxiously awaited by scientists worldwide. Spirit landed and made...
Life on Mars Revisited

When NASA researchers from the Johnson Space Center and Stanford University announced they had found combined evidence in 1996 "that strongly suggests primitive life may have existed on Mars more than 3.6 billion years ago," scientists buzzed with excitement at the possibility of life on Mars. Two weeks ago, the discovery of rock-eating microbes one mile beneath the ocean floor (published in the...
Lost and Found: The Mars Lander

The National Imagery and Mapping Agency, a US Military organization that scrutinizes surveillance imagery, has discovered what might be the Mars Polar Lander (MPL) in an image of the Martian south pole from the NASA Mars Global Surveyor. NASA's MPL was due to land near the Martian south pole in December 1999,, but mission controllers lost contact with it during its descent. This news story from...
Mars Climate Orbiter Mishap Report

This Review Panel Report represents the work of a review team contracted by NASA to analyze its programs and practices. Released this week, the report discusses findings relating to the failure of the Mars Climate Orbiter on September 23, 1999. The report also summarizes lessons learned from the mishap, gives an overview of NASA project management, identifies common themes related to recent...
Mars Exploration Rover Coverage

With so many exciting discoveries taking place on Mars, it may be hard to know about all the latest developments. In an attempt to deal with this quandary, NASA has developed this web site to provide real-time coverage of the Agency's endeavors. Through the use of RealOne Player or Windows Media Player, visitors can view an assortment of educational programs on live NASA TV. The website supplies...
Mars Exploration Rover Mission

Scheduled for launch in 2003, two NASA rovers will set out to explore Mars and determine whether water ever existed on the planet. This is the home page of the Mars rovers, and it has a great deal of information about the specifications and technology of the missions. Detailed descriptions of the scientific instruments equipped on each rover are provided. Color diagrams show the main components of...
Mars Exploration Rover Mission: Press Release Images

The public can now view the amazing, newly collected images of Mars thanks to this Mars Exploration Rover Mission website. The first images, made available on January 4, 2004, are black and white pictorials of the rover on the surface of Mars. On January 6, 2004, this website provided users with the first color images of Mars. Alongside each image, the NASA team has provided users with...
Mars Exploration: Videos

As part of NASA's Mars Exploration Web site, the Videos gallery page contains dozens of related movies. Visitors can see an animated video of the Rover mission to Mars, the Mars Exploration Rover in action, the deployment of Odyssey's Gamma Ray Spectrometer Instrument, an engineering test of landing a rover on the ground, a futuristic look at how life could be like on Mars, a Mars astronomy...
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