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Religion -- Study and teaching


The University of Chicago Martin Marty Center

The idea for establishing an institute for the advanced study of religion at the University of Chicago originated in the early 1970s, and it seemed to be a natural fit for the school. After all, the oldest part of the University was the Divinity School. Just such an institute was established in 1979, and in 1998, it was renamed after Professor Martin Marty, who had served as a professor in the...
Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion: Teaching Tactics

The Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion publishes a peer reviewed journal, Teaching Theology and Religion, that seeks to foster "an international discourse among faculty members about teaching and learning in the various sub-disciplines in the study of religion in higher education." While the journal requires a subscription, Teaching Tactics, feature special topics...
Yale Divinity School: AdHoc Image and Text Database on the History of Christianity

Designed as part of the Yale Divinity Digital Image and Text Library, the AdHoc Image and Text Database is a web-searchable database that contains electronic images and texts related to the history of Christianity. Visitors may begin looking for relevant materials by a keyword search, or decide to peruse a list of categories for browsing. The categories available include listings organized by...
Yale University Libraries: Free Web Resources on Religion

Yale University Library offers this helpful collection of online resources relating to religious studies that are available for free. This collection comes courtesy of Yale Divinity School Library's Suzanne Estelle-Holmer, who has also authored a number of LibGuides about a range of topics in religious studies. Visitors can explore these resources by category, including Finding Web Resources...
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