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Religion -- Study and teaching


Academic Earth

Academic Earth provides videos of lectures by top scholars in "Subjects" that range from Astronomy to Entrepreneurship to Religion, from "Universities" as celebrated as MIT, Berkeley, Harvard, and Stanford. Visitors must register to view the lectures, but registration is free. There are over 1500 video lectures available, with more being added everyday. In addition to viewing the lectures...
BBC: Civilisations

The rise and fall of civilizations over the history of humankind is a difficult thing to accurately depict in graphic form, but this BBC online presentation is a wholly engrossing way to look at the transformation and dissemination of religions and ideologies. Guided by the presence of a virtual ant that weaves its way across the introductory screen, the screen displays a metaphorical phrase from...

Founded by a former national editor for US News and World Report and the founder of The New England Monthly, this site is designed "to do whatever it takes to help individuals meet their own needs in the realm of religion, spirituality and morality." The site is a smorgasbord of inspiration, reportage, instruction, and commentary on religious and spiritual issues and experience. Menu sections...
Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs

The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs was created in 2006 as part of the office of Georgetown University's President. The mission of the Center is to build knowledge, promote dialogue, and to support action "in the service of peace." On the site's homepage, visitors will be presented with five primary sections, including "Programs", "Events", "People", "Media", and "Databases"....
Comparative Religion: A Directory of Internet Resources for the Academic Study of Religion

This metasite, created by Mike Madin of the University of Washington, is a well-organized and useful collection of resources for religious studies. Links are organized into six sections: General Directories and Pages, Women and Religion, Art and Religion, Eastern Religions, Western Religions, and Religion in the Americas. Subsections include Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and...
Cooperative Digital Resources Initiative

In an effort to provide a large set of high-quality digital resources for the study of religion, the American Theological Library Association and Association of Theological Schools established the Cooperative Digital Resource Initiative (CDRI). Drawing on the extensive holdings of its member institutions, including Vanderbilt University, the Hartford Seminary, and Boston University, CDRI has...
Duke Chapel Recordings

These wonderful recordings come from forty years of programming at the Duke University Chapel. The audio and video offerings here are drawn from a large collection held in the Duke University Archives and were selected by staff of the Chapel and Divinity School for their historic significance. Visitors should start with some of the homilies and speeches by the late Peter J. Gomes and then move on...

This latest H-Net discussion list "has been created to serve as a medium for the exchange of information regarding resources, events, projects, publications, job listings, and so forth, among the worldwide Buddhist scholarly community." Subscription information and discussion lists are available at the H-Net site.
Judge Ruled in Favor of UNC Chapel Hill’s Qur'án Assignment

On Thursday, a federal judge refused to grant a temporary restraining order to prohibit a requirement that incoming freshmen and transfer students at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill read and discuss a book about the Koran. Plaintiffs in the lawsuit argued that the book --_Approaching the Qur'án: The Early Revelations_, by Michael Sells, a professor of religion at Haverford...
Spirituality in Higher Education

There has always been a great interest in the spiritual beliefs of young people, and in the past few decades, an increasing interest in the beliefs of those young people in colleges and universities around the United States. One group that is intently interested in this topic is the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at the University of California at Los Angeles. The Institute's primary...
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